It seems like every time I turn around there is another article about the LGBT community being marginalized in sub-Saharan Africa. I shouldn't be surprised considering the lack of basic rights for the gay community in most countries in Africa and the fact that same-sex sexual activity is deemed illegal in 36 countries throughout the continent. During an informative (and I use that term loosely, it was in actuality a propaganda laced "look at how great we are" session) meeting with the Rwandan Human Rights Commission last summer I was informed that there are no gays in Rwanda and being gay is not an African problem and is only an issue found in western countries so therefore there is no need for the Commission to create to any laws to protect gay rights.
This month,
a seventeen year old in Senegal will stand trial for sexual acts "against nature" and two other men were convicted just weeks prior on identical charges and sentenced to two and five years based only on denunciations from neighbors. Just this past May, after being sentenced to 14 years in prison for 'unnatural acts and gross indecency', for celebrating their engagement, a gay couple was
pardoned on "humanitarian grounds only" by Malawi's president after receiving huge international criticism. That same month,
gay activists in Zimbabwe were arrested for posting a letter in their office that criticized President Mugabe's opposition to homosexuality and subsequently
abused by police. Earlier this year another Malawian man was
arrested for putting up gay-rights posters.
In other news, an anti-gay bill is continuing to gain popularity in Uganda. Highlights include: "prison terms for Ugandans who fail to report a homosexual within 24 hours; lifelong prison sentences for a single homosexual act; and the death sentence for a range of acts, including having gay sex while HIV-positive, having gay sex with a disabled person or being classified as a "serial offender" — that is, someone who has gay sex more than once."
A recent interview with David Bahati, author of the bill, revealed that
he wants this to become a model throughout Africa. He is saying, "this is a project to eradicate homosexuality in Uganda. They're not saying, 'This is a reform.' They're saying, 'We can do this. We are at the crux.'
Even in the U.S. where we pride ourselves on being more culturally sensitive to subjects such as these we are still debating whether or not gay marriage should be allowed. Anytime I see any article posted about this debate a shocking outpouring of hatred always follows in the comment section. Why are people so vitriolic when discussing other people's personal lives? How does one person's commitment to another person effect anybody else? And if I hear one more religious tirade about God condemning homosexuals, I literally might scream. My God loves all of his children; red and yellow, black and white, gay or straight, all are precious in his sight. A friend posted a particularly entertaining (read: sarcastic) retort she found on facebook about "
why gay marriage is wrong" that I find particularly appropriate in response to many of the close-minded arguments on this topic.
So my response is this: stand up and speak out against the marginalization of your fellow human beings. Who knows when your government is going to decide that how you live your personal life is wrong and punishable by jail and/or death. Find an organization in your community to lend your support. In Kenya check out Gay and Lesbian Coalition's
website to learn more about their partner organizations and community activism. International human rights organization,
International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission, also has
resources on how to take action worldwide.