Showing posts with label Swahili 101. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swahili 101. Show all posts

It's Zeee-bra, Not Zeh-bra

Here's another blog inspired by my Request Line post.  Anonymous Carly asked: If you were an animal what would you be and why? 

(I apologize now, this is the kind of blog you get when I'm in the midst of typing up notes and studying for my Level 1 Kiswahili exam.  Don't be scared of the sheng, a mix of Kiswahili phrases pamjoja na kizungu maneno, definitions are provided at the bottom.  Think of it as a bure foreign language lesson.  You're welcome.)

A week in the life of Captain Awesome

Habari, my old friend, Weekend!  So happy to finally see you.  It's been a long but good week.  Last weekend extended into Monday as I watched (sleepily and only 2 quarters or so) the Superbowl live at a friends house.  I quickly discovered the commercials were cut and it was all infomercials specific to the Armed Forces station.  I mean that's half the fun, why deprive our service men and women (and their friends) the joy of a mini-Darth Vader or Joan Rivers?  As the game ended around 6 am Kenyan time and there were already traffic jams I ended up going straight to work sleep deprived.  That's the ultimate walk of shame, turning up at work from a long night in the same clothes as the night before, isn't it?  Or is it just called being a trooper?

Induction? You mean, orientation?

After arriving late in the evening in Nairobi on 1/11/11 (I just wanted a reason to mention the fun date) I spent the next day recovering from jet lag and lounging about the guest house and trying not to scare others with my lingering manly voice.  Eugene from the Nairobi Skillshare office came by on Thursday morning with Evans, my guide to the "induction" process.  This must be a Britishism* (look it up, I swear it's a word; if it's not it should be) because I laughed out loud (also a possible side effect from jetlag and being heavily medicated for a sinus infection) when he told me that I would spend the next few days getting inducted and he just looked at me strangely.  I refrained from asking what I was getting inducted into, the Hall of Fame for Awesomeness perhaps?  A cult?  Childbirth?  (*My theory was confirmed when I got a follow up email from the UK office wishing me a nice induction.)

The Top Three Reasons I Love My Mosquito Net

3. Even when my bed's a mess, it still looks cool.

2. It feels like camping in a gauzy white tent.

1. It keeps the bloodthirsty mosquitoes out of my mzungu blood for a few hours each night.

Swahili word of the day:
mzungu- foreigner a.k.a. whitey

Nakumatt, where have you been all my life?

   Karibu to the joys of Nakumatt.  Furniture, fish heads, cell phones, and pink toilet paper all in one place.  No such luck finding a Swahili-English dictionary though.  Trashy romance novels galore, but no helpful guide to Swahili was to be found.  Instead I’ve taken to entering Swahili words and phrases into my phone so I can slowly but surely memorize them.  Despite this travesty, Nakumatt still stands head and shoulders above the other wannabe superstores for their one great marketing ploy of large, not-at-all tacky, elephant statues outside all of the stores I’ve visited thus far.  This one stands inside Nakumatt Junction.
Don’t worry; I have resisted the urge to ride one thus far, despite urging from my coworkers this evening. 

Swahili words of the day:
Karibu- welcome
Nakumatt- Kenya’s answer to Walmart

Matatus and Pentecostals and goats, oh my!

Sunday was my first introduction to the convenient yet terrifying world of matatus.  Not quite awake and on my way to church I looked death in the face and survived.  
(T) Matatu crammed full of people 
(B) People just walk into oncoming traffic in the street.  A little terrifying to say the least. 

Matatus should hold about 14-20 people, but can be crammed with close to 20-30 strangers in a very confined space (see above).  They drive manically through town cutting people off and nearly plowing into things with little regard for those around them much less those riding in the vehicle.  Think soccer mom minivan plus 20-30 strangers sitting/standing in your personal space while being bounced over potholes and dodging pedestrians at 80 kilometers an hour (approximately 50 mph).  Fortunately for me, it only cost ishirini shillings (about 27 cents) for our thrill ride.  Im sure in a matter of weeks I will be an old pro at hailing these death cabs, jumping in while it is still in motion without inflicting total disfigurement, and letting them know when I’d like to alight from the vehicle so as not to be forced to ride around town for hours on end. 

Church was the destination of this joyride.  Purity and Esther, Emily’s daughter who was home from college for the weekend, took me to the early “youth” (anyone under the age of 35-40 and not considered an old fogey) service at their church, Nairobi Pentecostal Church- Valley Road.  For those of you who have known me awhile, you will remember that I grew up in an Assembly of God/non-denominational congregation in Plano.  Since I’m not well versed in the varying beliefs of every sect of Christianity I cannot tell you the theological differences between non-denominational and Pentecostal, however this church felt like home (e.g. arm raising and dancing during worship and an invitational at the end of service).  I didn’t even know that people don’t normally shout out “Amen” or “Praise the Lord” in affirmation of the pastor’s message or dance around during the praise and worship at other churches until I brought my boyfriend from college home one weekend and took him to a church service.  It was a comfort to find some familiarity so far away from home.

On the other hand, on the way home from church I saw something completely different from home: Goats!  After a second harrowing journey aboard a matatu I was greeted by these friendly creatures upon disembarking from the minibus.  Sawa, we’ve all seen goats at one point or another, or at the very least tasted some of their yummy cheese at a wine tasting, but how many of you have seen them walking down the street grazing?  That’s what I thought.  The goat walking toward me in the picture on the right was particularly friendly and ventured closer when realizing it was being photographed. 

Later in the day came my introduction to Kenyan weddings.  No, unfortunately I cannot mark #17 off my list, but I did attend a play about Kenyan weddings, “It’s Not about the Bride: The Kenyan Wedding Story.”  Imagine “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” meets Kenya.  It was amusing, well what parts I could understand since about half of it was in Swahili.  Their wedding process is quite a bit different than in the States.  A guy proposes to a girl and some give engagement rings, but they do not typically include a diamond or any stone at all.  Then the guy goes to the girl’s family and offers them a dowry for her.  They barter her value with cows, goats, and chickens.  However, instead of actually giving her parents these animals, the guy’s family pays them what these animals are worth.  Next (insert audible sigh of relief by all parents in Kenya) the engaged couple raises the funds to pay for the wedding themselves.  They form a committee of close, financially stable friends and their friends pledge money to help the couple pay for the event.  The example they used as an outrageous lavish wedding in the play had the couple struggling to come up with about $12,000.  Now, I’ve never been married, but from what I understand, it’s not easy to accomplish even a simple wedding for that amount in Dallas.  I now know where my future wedding to my imaginary husband is going to take place!

Swahili words of the day:
Matatu- minibus
Ishirini- twenty (20)
Sawa- okay